It was a dreadful day as it was raining throughout the session of our BBQ.....Starting from the day we set our feet at East Coast, it was almost impossible to alight as it was pouring heavily....after 30 mins of suffering....the rain stopped and we managed to start the BBQ.....Halfway through rain again and we all ran to the nearest toilet for cover....What a Day !!! But nevertheless it was a day of fun, eating....and constant eating.....So much good food to gobble down the throat.....
Catered by was nice...especially the big and juicy Tiger prawn...following by the chicken chop....but hopefully the next BBQ we can do the food ourselves....Although the rain had spoilt our day..but the mingling around friends and enjoying the ever delicious food just made our day...:0 Cheers .....Enjoy the photos...!!! & Of course thanks Fangie for organising :)

Toilet Photo Taking Session
Hiding in the Toilet
Its Marshmallow Time
Spiderman Unleasehed
And he is none other then Johnny
I Killed Spidey
Blow wind Blow....see vivian's Reaction !!! LOL
Group Photo