Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stop Production

This Blog has offically stop production !

No New post will be generated via this link

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Major Revamp

Major Revamping is going to take place soon, this blog is too old to be true....a history of 2 years is going to be fade away....Stay tuned to the new and exciting blog of mine....:) 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Workplace @ Ubi

Here is a few shot from my workplace..time flies past very fast and now is already the 2nd month of my work and everything has been going on smoothly..learning great deals of things...having much challenges as work pile up and the list goes on......when you start working...there's no turning back...I finally understand this sayings....But I would say so far so least I am pretty occupied with all good things in life.

Working involves around more responsibility and now seriously I checked my company Email every 5 minutes...and so far I have already reached a few hundred mails within such a short frame of time...isn't that scary..? That's maybe because previously I am not a very "Email" person...I have not forward a single mail before and I do not like to use Email too...but now the main form of communicating at work is Email...Isn't it sad....but no choice....

So my job scope is maintaining good relationship with clients, project management, manage client's account. In short i am an Account Executive. Lots of things for me to learn at the moment and I hope there will be more that will be coming because in life, we don't stop learning...we don't look back....we look towards the Future !

More updates coming up...Stay Tuned.........Tag on my tagboard eh....its dead ! LOL