Here are some sample photos that I have taken my new DSLR...Seriously it is not easy to take a decent, clear shot because you need to adjust the functions here and there...Unless you use auto mode which is quite useless if you use DSLR camera haa...."Someone" still cannot master the technique of taking a good photo haaa...Jiayou !!! BUt nevertheless I am very satisfied with the results taken by it....All the photos posted below are raw pictures and have not been photoshop with....Still lack of practice and skills to take nice shots....I shall Jiayou too !!!! Enjoy !!!

Very Clear shot taken at YD

Couple Footwear taken at Upperpierce

Never knew the night view from my house looks so nice...:)

Night couple shot at YD

Want some Beancurd ?

Kayden - I just bathed :P

My OB BA KA is freaking obvious :P
