It has been months since I have been suffering with that super low TEIN springs...going around hitting almost everything that it can...Recently this guy from vogs forum wanna sold his coilover at a low of course without much hesitation, i grab the offer and now have been enjoying stable but harder ride....
Total spending .......$XXX....not gonna reveal but definitely not gonna be much...:) At least now I am able to go anywhere in peace, without much worries. Hopefully it can last me for another year or 2....:) This will be my last item to change...hoepfully.!!!! before I continued to save save save.......Cheers
Work has almost reach a month and's coming ! so far so good, but work is very routine....and my life is changing and evolving into a new gonna adapt before it is tuned and of course continue to live life to the fullest !!!

Wheel Alignment

Rear wheel alignment $20

Old absorbers & springs- SUX !

Change over :)

Old and stinky suspension

Done and ready to rock the road

Can you is hiding

New Tomei coilover


5 months old...but still look like NEW