Sunday, April 27, 2008
Dim Sum or Tim Sum ??

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Cereal Prawn
Cooking instructions:
1. heat oil in wok..
2. fried prawn for 4 minutes...
3. then remove the prawns and place it on cooking tissue to drain the oil...
4. melt the margarine in the wok....
5. then add the chilli padi and curry leaves...
6. saute for a while before adding in the prawns...
7. add sugar and salt...and mix well...
8. then add in the nestum and mix well again for few minutes...then remove and serve....

Cook the Cereal with Margarine till cripsy brown
Cripsy Golden Brown Cereal
Semi-Cooked Prawns
Can see the color changing to Orangeee
Curry Leaves cooked with Garlic
Fried prawns with curry leaves altogether
Lastly Cereal added !!!
Mix well together
Drain the oil off before serving
The "Final" Cereal Prawn
Friday, April 18, 2008
Featuring " Johnny Walker "
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Meeting in Progress
Sometimes in life, it is not all about fun...alot of things has to be come in place....although you can see the laughter and smiles of me everytime, but it isnt that simple....One has to learnt how to be serious at times when there's a need....Only in this way will people around you start respecting you in what you are and not take every of your words for joke...:) I always believe in the "live life to the fullest" attitude...and "Enjoy your life to the maximum" !!! When you play...play HARD !!!....Of course when you study...study extra hard too !!! There's so many things in live that has to be learnt....One can never stop learning !!!
Things to learnt from me if you haven achieve these :
- Always be optimistic
- Always be Responsible
- Never take things for granted
- Live your life to the fullest
- Enjoy your life to the maximum
- Always have the learning attitude
- Be confidence of yourself in whatever things you do
- Always take the 1st step out, if not how can there be the 2nd step..
- Appreciate your friends around you
- Never say DIE attitude
- In Every Successful Man, there are bound to be failures behind them
- Do not hide away when you have failed, Stand up and continue the journey
- You will never succeed until you have tried
- Always look forward rather than living in the past
- Always have a clear goal of yourself and know where you are heading to
- There is no such things as Take one step, Calculate the other step
- Always have ahead planning of your future
- Lastly - Love your Girlfriend :P

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
World's Best Japanese Chicken Curry Rice
Back to topic...Today Xiaoxiami prepare Japanese Chicken Curry Rice for me....although it was not a surprise...but still I awaits the lunch prepared by her....Looking at the presentation I would gradually grade 9/10 already because it looks sooo good adn delicious that everyone who look at it will wanna a bite haaa :) Notice the egg is a Heart-shape Egg....Awww soo sweet haaa...but actually the fact is I never notice at all and gobble it up....it was not until Xiaoxiami told me about the heart shape thingy then i start to realise haa..:P
The curry accompany by my favourite sweet corn, potatos, chicken drumstick was a perfect combination....everything was perfect...and the taste was like comparable with outside vendors....I am such a lucky man..:) I think this keeps XiaoxiaMi inspiration up and keep making good food for me.....Cheerdos !!!! More to comeee haaa......Jiayou !!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
SIM Underground Part 1
Here's a list of photos for you guys :) Enjoy !

All the WRXs in action !!!
The onli Lime green Swift around