I feel feverish at this point of time but still I managed to finish cooking my all time favourite sweet and sour pork. The sudden urge came when I am suppose to eat alone today...My mind tickle for a while and straight I went to NTUC to get the ingredients.
This is my first try and I always think this dish is not easy to cook and therefore dare not even give it a try....scared that I will make a mess out of it. And most importantly my mum hates me when I used her kitchen....she always complained the whole kitchen will be mess up by me !!!
Choosing of the correct pork meat is not easy...must know how to select those which are tender, soft and not so fatty....Still I managed to get 1 pack for around $2.50. Next up will be the sauce for the sweet and sour pork. Total Damage around $4 !!!
Step by step are shown below and if any of you people wanna try cooking it.....Go ahead !! Never afraid of failures.....The failure for the first time doesn't always mean for the entire life...Cooking is not easy but if you never try it....u will not know it...The best part was when my mum comes back.....she don't believe I just cooked !!! She say everything is soo clean....How is it possible for me to cook !!! HAA I DID IT !!! :P
Ratings for the my sweet and sour pork with egg rice..i dare to give it a 8 / 10 !!! because it is really quite nice but still I think lose to my mum by a bit haaaa..:P What dish will be next..?? Stay tuneee.........................:)
Onion is important for this dish
Next mix with egg, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teapsoon of salt, Pepper

From brown....................

Stir it until every piece of the meat is covered by the sauce.
Ready to serve : Sweet and Sour Pork

Added with Egg Rice

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