Sunday, August 3, 2008

July 2008 Sleepy Heads

Lessons are always boring...and tell you what...75% of the lecturers are boring and to endure 3 hours for the lessons sometimes can be very challenging !!!...Especially those who are Mono-Tone and doesn't have any life at all...simply reading from the lecture notes...These cause the sleepy heads to emerge !!! and here are the list of people who always caught my attention....because they are always on the move...constantly sleeping...

Whose wrong is that..? The lecturers or Sleepy Heads ? I believe both do play a part in this scenario...And worst thing was my camera was a 24/7 camera that sense sleepyheads around those sitting around me...Please be aware....because I am always on the move also..:) Hope August won't have so much sleepyheads...:) Cheers

SleepyHead Jefre......dozing off a few times


The msot serious award....Fengjun looks as though he wanna kill someone hee

Praying or Studying....?
SleepyHead KING !!! Anytime Anywhere
1,2,3....Gonna sleep mode.....

Johnny "I just love sleeping"

Sleepyheads award No 2.

Daydreaming !!!

Sleeping same pose

The head just got sprained !!! Haaa

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