A sunny Sunday and a windless weather is my Fishing day..It was Robert who asked me along for this fishing trip...Ultimately I am not very interested at first for it because one trip can easily cost you 70 over dollars..but still due to temptations and hands itchy...I decided to take up the deal....It was like having to go back Changi in less then a few days :(
Fishing is never a cheap sports...instead I would rather rate a quite expensive sports because the preparation part is quite tedious...which I shall not say :P It was a 8am-6pm thingy and it was rather boring when the fishes are not biting....The sun is so hot that I am burnt at the end of the day...and right now I am peeling away :( Sad Sad Sad...Burnt and Chaota....Some people even thought I was a Malay...
Nevertheless the whole trip is still quite fruitfull...I shall not say much...Enjoy the photos.....:)

Robert with his ever moodless face !

more and MORE groupers................

The whole action of Chermin Fishing taken by my Canon Ixus 40 :P These fishes rather comes as a group because we keep catching them....and they seems to be endless.....sadly to say ....They are in my stomach right now and it is just so tasty...:P
All the fishes caught and a rather fruitfull trip to the east.....etter luck next time :)
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