Wednesday, January 9, 2008

World's Lamest Excuse

This is the story of a Pioneer Head Unit........
You are warned because you will be hearing the most lamest excuse ever !
The story goes like this......................

Sometimes in life...when you see the cheapest of won't hesitate to get it since it is cheap....but do you regret your decision when you do a harsh decision..? sometimes you do...sometimes you don't....This time round I admitted I have chosen the wrong decision !!!

Who on the earth in this world will Buy a TV.....used for Games ONLY and dosen't watch TV

WHo on the earth in this world will Buy a Head Unit and used only for CD ONLY and dosen't used the radio at all...??? Yesh there is...But minority!!

And all goes to the credit of Japan who only limit their radio frequency from FM 76.0 - 89.9

Now the Real story.......Happened to come by a advertisement of a cheap Head Unit....So never hesitate to get it....After getting it...spent like another $50 on installation and tray.....After which I tried thousand and 1 ways to tune the radio frequency to 100.3 or even 98.7...but to no avail...SMS the Seller...and here is what I get......!!

James: Hi there Do you know how to tune your radio frequency to 100.3 or even 98.7 ?

Seller: Sorry I don't know...I have to ask my brother.......

James: Alrite...Get back to me ASAP ! Thanks

After 3 hours......

James: Hi...I check that Japan only used frequency from 76.0 - 89.9...Do your set have a frequency convertor...??

Seller: Sorry Bro I dunno anything...... ( This guy in his 30s claims to used his set for 1 year ++ and everything also dunno !!!)

James: Hi Its very unethical to sell things which you never actually specifed the radio frequency is different...Don't tell me you never used radio function at all..??

Seller: Sorry Bro..I only blast CD.......

James: .....................................................................................................................................................

My mouth just got stuck.....JUE TA LAN !!! because I really dunno how to reply him...!!! This type of people ought to get shot !!! Sell things also never specified !!! But maybe it my fault for not checking properly but who on earth will know Japan set frequency is different from US !! NVM...just count myself as unlucky !!! No more next time I promise !!!

Lesson Learnt: Not to make harsh decision & trust people too easily !!!

New Head Unit ( Looks cool but radio frequency cannot tune more than 89.9 !!)

( OLD Head Unit but at least funciton serves me well )


Sixshot said...

Bro..head units from japan normally use 85.0 as our 95.0 .. so tune down to - 10.. should be ok..


Accelus said...

Alrite Thanks so much !!!! I will go try haaa