The blood vessels in my brains must have entangled somehow. The thought of it might landed you up in vomitting somwhere or even hang up yourself. Since O-Levels, I have already detest Accounting to such an extend that I got D7 for my Os.
The haunting continues when I took IA ( Introductory Accounting ), same thing occurs, failed the first round but miracously, got a Distinction the second round but I am not proud of it ! Must I really take two times to clear every accounting subject ? I definately hope Not.....
Hard work and constant pratice plays a big part in doing accounting, so this few days, I am going to gave myself a final push and work really hard for it. Hope my hardwork pays off when I got my result on 6th June. Nothing is going to distract me and I really mean it !!! I desperately need to pass this subject ! If not it is going to haunt me forever....
Today's a busy day for me, study in NP for the whole afternoon, had a fantastic Crabbie meal for dinner and a chill out session at Yishun Dam. The chill out session makes me think through alot of things in my mind. Hope I don't think so much ! 1 last paper to go and holiday awaits me.... Work hard guys for the last paper & we will pass together !!! Cheers !!!
Definately Look Alike !!! :)
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