Anyway had been studying for the past 2 days..Be it morning or afternoon...Just study and nothing else...Life's so boring when exam starts. Just finish studying in school for the whole day again, after which went to eat the best chicken Rice (BoonDunKi) at bukit timah..really had a fullfilling dinner which cost around $15 per person haaa.....a great way to pet yourself after a long day study. Counting down Home Alone in 1 day's time...Yesh my parents going overseas again and yesh 1 week before my exam and Yesh...No party...No nights out.....No Everything....Just plain study!!! My dad always browse through my timetable to find the best timing for holiday..and yesh he succeeded :) leavin me behind to...Study alone...Sleep alone....everything alone...and what most is exam period...only study !!!!!!.....Hai....Life conts......
Photos again when the mugging gets bored......this time with angie's coolest gadget (I Book) and here are the stupid photos for browsing.....
Who is this !!! Act Jay chou while study in Library OMG!!!!
Ohh so she was our webcam award winner Miss Angie *How come she look so serious*
Angie's powerful I Book camera (James kiss Accelus)

Damian's jaw become Bigger !!!
Cool Effect with the cool I Book
Retrolicious Mamboing
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