Valet parking on a Friday afternoon? and on Friday the 13th!!!! Yesh a team of valet parkers went to a unknown place at Bukit Timah for their mission. Dressed in their grey long sleeve, long pants and leather shoes with a name tag ( Valet attendance ). To speak the truth, this is my first mission and hopefully won't be the last :) Reached the location at 2pm and ended at 7pm......Pay was good but cannot reveal sorry :P but parking was really stress and the continental cars are so much different from japanese cars......All the hand brakes, controls, everything are seems misplaced and I just cannot get used to it haa...Stress~ BUt indeed it was a very good expierence and I believe in trying all sorts of jobs before I commit to my real working life in the future..... Valet parking seems to be my first time and I think this job suits me :) Besides all the continental cars and japanese cars, Small vans, big vans we also have to drive, really no easy task !!! Satisfaction of the day was when I get to drove this sports car, Toyota MR-S. First time set my hands on it and I just love it sooooo much....Based on a 2 litre engine and a light body, with manual transmission, this car can go really fast VRoommmmmm.....Nice convertible car with outstanding outlooks..Thumbs Up !!! Although it is a 5 hours job, kinda quite enjoy it, rather than tiredness and regret...:) Meanwhile enjoy the photos..........Life Conts...........

Our Name Tag
Does this looks familar ?
Our Booth in action

Our Nice working environment

Guess which car is this ? (got sun roof)

Yesh that is a 7 seater honda odyssey !!!

And that is a Volvo....

This is the Van I am referring to !!! ( citroen van )

This is worst !!! ( look at the long gear stick)

Toyota MR-S ( Best Satisfying Adward )

Toyota MR-S Interior

Jefre and Me in action MR-S tailgating MX-5

Last but not least, went with denzil to have dinner at a place and this place actually serves Very very nice "DouHua" got alot flavours, hot or cold, strawberry, chocalate, mango, egg douhua also have.....I can sense "someone's" saliver is dripping !!! don't look around...Yesh It's YOU !!!! :P In the end bought 2 back to let my parents try and the feedback was "Delicious" "Soft" "Tender" !!! Crave for it !!! If anyone of you all wanna knoe the place can private msg me hee
1 comment:
yo..didnt know u got a blog!btw your tagboard like abit prob so i leave a msg me ya...
nice blog btw! (:
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