Breaking News at SIM, reporting LIVE from J.A Nework......SIM Library was fully packed at 12pm and not a single seat was to be found !!!! eariler news reported that at around 10pm, half of the seats were already taken. This was a rare phenomenon as normally there will still be a couple of seats left.....Next upcoming news, even student lounge, benches around the school were all taken up!!! No place to study...NO PLACE TO STUDY!!!!! - Reported LIVE by J.A
The situation was bad real BAD....was expected to find a good corner to study at the library for the whole day but was despair to see the end state. After which I manage to find a nice and quiet place to study for the rest of the day, curious to know where, Follow on..........
New chairs, New Table, New Environment
Smarties Queen munching NON-STOP
My ever nice study table
Angie and Damain challenging the minesweeper game
Photo with Angie Goh Meng Xiang heee
When study gets bored, this is what happen ( Stupid photos !!! )
Angie Goh
James Eu
Damain Wang
As for the secret place, I guess alot people would have know where it is, nevertheless those who dunno, make a clever guess, if really really dunno, Private message me then haaaa :P Thats for the day......Study Cont..............
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