STRESS Life......Projects after Projects...Weeks after Weeks.....Sunday after Kallang Mac till 3am do Proj......Hows the feeling like..?? Definately shiok rite haa U BET....:P
If I am very busy and cannot entertain you guys....pls be cool and know my situation ok....Life SUX....but what to do...still have to continue rite..?? Hai...~~ STRESS....
Althought now left with only the last project....but whats worst.....after that is my final exams !!!
LIFE SUX...think again.....what to do..?? Continue loh !!! haa...Comeon....juz another phrase of life.....Juz face the reality heee....:P week I am gonna enjoy myself....and I really mean it...!!!....heres some tips.....SENTOSA....MAMBO......KTV.........MEET SOMEONE....:P Gonna enjoy myself a bit....before preparation of my exams....hai....wat to do....?? LIFE SUX haa..Cool it dude....HAng on!!! So if I never guys will know what i am need be STRESS ok.....:P
ITs now......time to rest.....long day ahead.......:( Heres 1 photo for entertainment hee..:P

Jumpers for Life
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